Featured Press
“Exquisite” (Gramophone)
“Exceptional” (The Boston Globe)
“Uninhibited… ravishingly beautiful” (New York Arts)
“Inventive and ingenious” (Boston Musical Intelligencer)
“An attractive mix of the familiar and exotic… otherworldly…” (Boston Classical Review)
What our audiences are saying.
This company is actively engaged in telling diverse stories in a way that other companies do not. The stories are unique and honest and it's appreciated when many "canon" works follow uninteresting archetypal characters.
(Audience Member, August 2021)
Consistently incredible performances and productions, and the chance to hear striking and daring new works.
(Audience Member, August 2021)
I was questioning what could help make opera more personal, and here you all come saying welcome to our show and you will also be onstage! So cool.
(Audience Member, August 2021)
Innovative programming, excellent artistry
Audience Member (May 2020)
New operatic work of refreshing distinctiveness and complexity, you produce works with qualities I genuinely haven't seen before in the artistic form.
Audience Member (May 2020)