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Ululations and Gurgles of the Invisible

  • The Dorothy and Charles Mosesian Center for the Arts 321 Arsenal Street Watertown, MA, 02472 United States (map)

First presentation plays for one show only!

The Mosesian Center for the Arts and Guerilla Opera present an experimental first-presentation of Ululations and Gurgles of the Invisible, by composer Elisabet Curbelo and inspired by the poetry of Federico García Lorca.

Plays for one show only!



The development of Ululations and Gurgles of the Invisible has been supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, Mass Cultural Council, a state agency, Amphion Foundation, Foley Hoag Foundation, and the Lincoln and Therese Filene Foundation, with support from Mosesian Arts, and by and by and donors like you. View current donors to Guerilla Opera.