Music by Elizabeth Gartman | Libretto by Susan Bywaters
Title: The Windows
Composer: Elizabeth Gartman
Librettist: Susan Bywaters
Duration: 70min (est)
Instrumentation: 2 sop, ten, cl/bass cl, vln, sax, perc
Status: In development
The Windows is a dark and haunting interpretation of the events leading up to the 1939 disappearance of the writer and former childhood prodigy, Barbara Newhall Follett.
Barbara Newhall Follett's debut novel The House Without Windows (1927) was written when she was 12 years old. It was an instant success, and Follett became a child celebrity overnight.
Follett's writings always had themes of escape from adulthood, from responsibilities, from civilization—and so did her life. Throughout her adolescence and early adulthood, Follett was always running away from her life, looking for something to distract her mind from an escalating depression. Despite her success, she experienced significant childhood trauma; abandonment by her father to start a new family, whom she idolized; her beloved home burned down, taking the first draft of her novel with it; and in one of her attempts to run away at 15, she was caught by police and jumped out a window, demonstrating a desire to either escape her life or to die.
She continued running throughout her early adulthood but eventually met Nickerson Rogers, married, and settled into a rowhouse in Brookline, Massachusetts. Becoming increasingly agitated with the expectations of married life, Barbara couldn't resist the urge to run—and one day, with $30 in her pocket, she left and was never seen again.
This opera is a dialogue between two versions of Barbara—young Barbara and adolescent Barbara. Much of the text for the character of “Young Barbara” comes from Follett’s books, letters, and various published and unpublished archival writings.
Themes from this work will include the progression and misunderstanding of depression and mental illness and the historical limitations of being female-bodied and behaving outside societal control.
Nov-May 2021: Libretto creation in the Guerilla Opera 2020-2021 Writing Collective
May 2021: Libretto complete
Oct 2022: Guerilla Opera Commission accepted
Apr 21, 2024: Libretto reading (Boston, MA)
May 2024 - Sept 2025: Independent writing period for creators
Jan 2026: Full musical reading of the score and theatrical workshop.
Feb-Jun 2026: Score revisions and final editing.
Jul 2026: FINAL score and parts delivered. GO prepares for full production
Oct 2026: Full production premiere, 5 perf.
Dec 2026: Live-streamed on GO virtual festival