Join us for the virtual premiere!
Join us for the virtual world premiere of “I Give You My Home”, an operatic film with music and libretto by Beth Wiemann and brought to life by acclaimed filmmaker and opera director Cara Consilvio.
Inspired by the Nichols House Museum in Boston, Guerilla Opera’s latest world premiere film brings to light the efforts and passions of Rose Standish Nichols, a true-life Bostonian woman who was a women’s peace and suffrage movement activist, professional landscape architect, and published author.
Performances are sung in English and are approximately 40 min in duration. There will be a talk back with the artists directly following the live screening. The theater is ADA Accessible.
Livestream of the Virtual Film Premiere and available on-demand through April 16!
Virtual Admission
Pay what you will
Friday, March 24, 2023, 7pm
Live screening at the Mosesian Center for the Arts, Watertown, MA
Sunday, March 26, 2pm
Live screening at the Colonial Performing Arts Center, Keene, NH
Wednesday, Mar 29, and Thursday, March 30, 2pm
Friday, March 31, 12pm & 6pm | Sunday, April 2, 1pm & 3pm
Live screenings at the Portland Museum of Art, Portland, ME
Talk back after the 6pm screening on Friday, March 31 and on Sunday, April 2 at 2pm.
Thursday, April 6, 2023, 7:00PM EST
Livestream of the Virtual Film Premiere and available on-demand through April 16!
Join the campaign!
This is our first crowdfunding campaign in three years and would love for you to be involved! We are in the final stages of releasing a studio album and film premiere, now we need your help to put the finishing touches on this beautiful new opera. Visit our page to learn more about the project and to check out our signature perks!
“I Give You My Home” is a monodrama written for and recorded by Guerilla Opera’s core ensemble members: soprano and Artistic Director Aliana de la Guardia as Rose Nichols, percussionist and co-founding artist Mike Williams, and saxophonist Philipp Stäudlin, and are joined by Daniela Isabel McDonough in her film debut as Young Rose.
Beth Wiemann, composer and librettist
Aliana de la Guardia, soprano as Rose Standish Nichols
Daniela Isabel McDonough, actor as Young Rose
Mike Williams, percussion
Philipp Stäudlin, saxophone
Cara Consilvio, Director
Nuozhou Wang, Director of Photography
Joel Gordon, Sound Engineer
“I Give You My Home” is supported by a Live Arts Boston grant award from The Boston Foundation and their partners the Barr Foundation and Dunamis Boston, The Puffin Foundation, and a CIP Projects grant award from Mass Cultural Council.
The company debut of Cara Consilvio was partially supported by OPERA America’s Opera Grants for Women Stage Directors and Conductors, generously funded by the Marineau Family Foundation.
The development of “I Give You My Home” has been in partnership with the University of Maine, Orono, The Switchboard artist residency program in Haverhill, MA, and co-produced by the Nichols House Museum.
Film location partners are the Nichols House Museum in Boston, MA, Saint-Gaudens National Park in Cornish, NH, Path of Life Sculpture Garden and Hedge Maze in Windsor, VT, and Rudyard Kipling House and Scott Farm Orchard in Dummerston, VT.