This has been a difficult week. On Tuesday we saw an announcement that this will be Onsite Opera’s final season, which we consider a sister organization to our experimental work.  We wish them luck in their new journeys ahead and truly celebrate the impact they have made on the opera world.

The funding landscape for arts nonprofits is increasingly difficult, and today we saw an executive order titled “Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity,” directing federal agencies to investigate diversity, equity, and inclusion programs deemed "discriminatory". Federal funding was temporarily frozen, which we feared may have a direct impact on our NEA Grants for Arts Projects award and other important programs. We still fear this.

Additionally, over time, we have perceived that foundations have reduced, shifted, or paused their support for arts organizations, further tightening the financial situation for organizations like ours. We are at a critical juncture.

We want to reiterate now that Guerilla Opera is a BIPOC and feminist ensemble, deeply committed to the values of collaboration, authenticity, and narratives that resonate with the diverse voices of contemporary society. This will not change.

Our “punk” aesthetic comes from a deep commitment to challenging the status quo, questioning “authority” (the “systems”), and producing rebellious works of opera theater. This will not change.

Since 2018, we have collaborated on educational programs and increased accessibility for audiences who are blind and visually impaired with partners at the National Braille Press and the Perkin Braille and Talking Book Library. Our current production-in-development (2023), Ululations and Gurgles of the Invisible, is a collaboration with the Urban Jazz Dance Company, a Deaf-led company whose work is rooted in multiple intersections of social justice. These are examples of how we seek out opportunities to learn from those with different backgrounds and life experiences. This will not change.

The artists we engage, performing artists, teaching artists, designers, production technicians, composers, and librettists, reflect over 75% women, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ individuals. This commitment to inclusivity and equity will not change. 

We will not change our stated values uplifting the importance of Diversity. Equity, Inclusion, Accessibility and Belonging within our organization and the world.

This reminds me of a quote I read many years ago from an article that went semi-viral by Lin-Manuel Miranda in The Atlantic in 2019:  "All art is political. In tense, fractious times—like our current moment—all art is political. But even during those times when politics and the future of our country itself are not the source of constant worry and anxiety, art is still political. Art lives in the world, and we exist in the world, and we cannot create honest work about the world in which we live without reflecting it." 

We ask you to be revolutionaries alongside us, as we work to continue our radical mission of bringing new, experimental works to our community that reflects this world and seeks to tell stories that cause us to question what is true. You are a part of our community of artists, arts-lovers, and arts-supporters who believe in the power of artists to change lives and shift perspectives. Only together, can we weather this storm by questioning what is true, and continue to make an impact.

What can you do to help?

  1. Attend this free webinar with us TOMORROW, Friday, January 31, 1 PM-2 PM ET “Executive Order on DEI: What Nonprofits and Philanthropies Need to Know” by clicking here.

  2. Attend this free "30-minute organizing huddle" hosted by our friends at MASSCreative TOMORROW, Friday, January 31st at 3 PM by clicking here

  3. Join us in the virtual Guerilla Underground to experience our work that you may have missed, work by our esteemed guest artists,  and to support continued work by those artists by clicking here.

  4. Become a Patreon member to support this work long-term by clicking here or renew your support with a one-time donation to show your support by clicking here to support this artist-run company that dares to ask questions.

  5. Come to or volunteer at a live show, gathering or fundraising event, to support live art, local artists, and opera creators. Announcements coming soon!

  6. Join our Board of Directors or one of our committees if you want to contribute your skills to become a direct part of our revolution. Email to learn more.

Thank you for your critical support over the years. We are deeply grateful for your continued commitment to the arts and to our radical new operas. This is our 18th season and we’re looking forward to many more with you!

Aliana de la Guardia