Guerilla Opera Expands in their 15th Anniversary Season
In our 15th Anniversary Season, we’re expanding our team. Please join us in welcoming Alexis Peart (Development & marketing Coordinator) and Maggi Chauby (Artistic Associate). Both these fantastic collaborators are budding artist-producers and bring so much unique skill and enthusiasm to this ensemble. Welcome to the show!
Alexis Peart is an operatic mezzo-soprano, diversity consultant, and arts administrator in Boston, MA. She is pursuing a graduate degree in Vocal Performance with a certificate in Arts Management from Boston University. Alexis joins Guerilla Opera as the Development and Marketing Coordinator. She currently holds positions as the Graduate Assistant for the DEIA Antiracism Committee at the Boston University College of Fine Arts and as a member of the Equity Committee for the Thompson Street Opera Company.
Magdalyn Chauby is a local soprano and actor. Maggi is attending graduate school at New England Conservatory for vocal performance. She has been involved in many facets of music making, from teaching to stage managing to performing. In 2018, Maggi graduated with a double degree in vocal performance and music education from Ithaca College. She is excited to join the Guerilla Opera team and further her involvement in the field of contemporary music.